Advanced Languaging and Questioning Skills

  • Eight hours face-to-face workshop in small group format (maximum 8 participants) plus 3 hours group follow-up via teleconference
  • Total 11 hours Coaching Core Competencies
  • Program accredited as CCE (Continuous Coach Education) Program by International Coach Federation and can be used to apply toward Coach-Specific Training requirements for an ICF Credential
  • Certificate issued on completion of total program hours (including follow up hours)


The delivering of good coaching is founded on a specific set of tested and tried framework and process supported by coach specific skills. Languages and words are the primary tools used. These are delivered as messages and questions intertwined together at the most appropriate time and the most appropriate shade to achieve the most impactful results. This Program aims at training coaches to deliver powerful coaching by enhancing these skills.


This program aims at using specific advanced language, questioning techniques and concepts to train, support and assist participants to continuously enhance the coaching competency. Strong emphasis will be given to practice, interactional learning and on-going work promoting a strong collegiate support. There is expected to be a high element of fun as well.

Program focus

Participants will learn advanced high-level theoretical and practical skills in delivering coaching services and engaging in coaching conversation. They will be supported and stretched to implement the learnings into real-life coaching during and after the training program. The emphasis is on practice and implementation.

Target audience

Developing coaches (credentialed and non-credentialed and those undergoing coach specific training). It is also suitable for people contemplating coaching and leaders who work with and lead people.

Program outline

The program comprises of Modules on specific interest and learning areas. Practice and interaction follow theoretical presentation. All the learning areas will be further integrated. Ongoing work and planning are designed to guide participants to continuously work on further development.


AUD $ 1,048.00 + 10% GST = AUD $1,153.00

Program schedule

For date, location and time please refer to Peggy Chiu’s Upcoming Program Schedule.

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